How to increase potency with folk remedies?

When a man has low potency, he suffers from it even more than from any injury. Why is that?A man considers himself inferior when he is not capable of intimacy. A variety of drugs are constantly being aired on TV and on the internet that can increase male strength and, with their help, give pleasure to your partner and to you. Supposedly, intercourse will be more intense and its duration will increase. But there is another solution to the problem.Fast-acting folk remedies for men's potency can invigorate and improve erection.

Man faces a weak power and is not capable of intimacy

nature is the best help

Nature took care of all your creations. Therefore, in your boxes there are many plants that will help to deal with the problem.The main treatment rule is not to harm. For starters, you should consult your doctor. He will perform a complete exam, prescribe the delivery of exams and make a diagnosis based on the results obtained. Only after the doctor confirms that treatment with folk remedies will not hurt, you can proceed.

Important!In advanced cases, for the treatment of potency, pharmaceutical preparations should be used and complemented with folk remedies.

Many have encountered the problem of declining power. But there is no miracle cure that cures the disease with a single dose. The problem needs to be addressed comprehensively. But how to increase a man's potency with folk remedies? For starters, it's also worth reconsidering your lifestyle. For the greatest effect, it is important to eliminate or minimize the causes that negatively affect male strength.

In the modern world, men of different ages suffer from impotence. Young people are under constant stress. To reach some heights without help, you must work tirelessly.From this strong physical effort, emotional stress and stress. Older men are enough too - poor ecology, unhealthy diet, low activity. To help increase potency in such cases, there will be absolutely many folk recipes. The main thing is to regularly and systematically follow all the recommendations.

young man suffering from impotence

Basic rules

Causes of impotence can be the most common. Therefore, it is important to improve the health of the body as a whole, so it will be easier to improve potency with the help of the wisdom of centuries.

When using decoctions and fees, simple rules must be followed:

  • Adequate rest and sleep. This is one of the main rules you must always remember.
  • Proper nutrition. The timely consumption of food ensures the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normal food absorption and metabolism, which means good health.
  • Moderate physical activity. Don't overload the body too much, it can cause the opposite reaction.
  • Take a contrast bath daily.
  • Give up alcohol and smoking. In some cases, natural grape wine is allowed.
  • Protect yourself from stress as much as possible, learn to look at the world "through the window" and don't take anything seriously.
  • It is recommended that folk remedies for potency be combined with sports, the main thing is not to overdo it.

    Quitting smoking is a necessary measure to increase potency

    useful vitamins

    Those who follow male health need to be aware of the use of necessary vitamins.There must be enough of them in the daily diet. If the diet is bad for any reason, it is worth replacing with vitamins and drug complexes.

    Important vitamins for male health:

  • Zinc.It participates in almost every metabolic process in the body, so it is very important to monitor its proper use. Only when there is enough zinc in the body will there be no problems with testosterone production. With the lack of this vitamin, the processes of renewal and division of germ cells are slower. This deteriorates sperm composition, there are very few viable sperm in it. For a quick potency boost, experts recommend using foods that contain zinc. Before intimacy, you can dine with these dishes: anchovies, oysters, shrimp, egg yolks, fish or wheat bran.
  • Selenium.It is a powerful natural antioxidant. It is very useful for the entire reproductive system of men. Improves the condition of blood vessels, prevents the risk of strokes, heart attacks and atherosclerosis. As the amount of vitamin in the body decreases, the amount of testosterone produced also decreases. To protect yourself, it is recommended to consume corn, garlic, seafood, eggs and tomatoes.
  • Vitamin E. The strongest antioxidant, which has a broad spectrum of action: it normalizes hormones, improves the condition of blood vessels, strengthens their walls, stabilizes cell membranes and also prevents the formation of blood clots. A constant lack of vitamins can even lead to infertility. It is found in large amounts in vegetable oil, nuts, seeds (pumpkin seeds are the most useful), fish and wheat germ.
  • Vitamins B.Decreased potency is most often seen in men who work too hard, overexercise the body. Vitamins in this group reduce fatigue, increase efficiency and also nourish the human brain and muscle tissue. It also has effects on the nervous system. It is found in sufficient quantities in eggs, nuts, sea fish and sunflower seeds.
  • A person who monitors their diet significantly reduces the likelihood of potency deterioration. The condition of Organs genitals directly depends on the health of the entire organism. And folk remedies to increase potency help improve not just the reproductive system, but all systems and organs.

    B vitamins for male health

    folk recipes

    Alternative medicine involves several simple techniques that ensure the normalization and restoration of an erection. They are based on the use of natural products that not only help to improve health but also have no negative consequences.

    mustard plaster

    There are many energy points on the feet. If you act correctly, you can improve potency.This requires mustard plasters and a pair of socks. The procedure is done in the late afternoon. It is necessary to moisten the mustard plaster with warm water and apply it well to the foot. Put a sock over the top. The same procedure must be done with the other leg. Mustard plasters are kept for 1-2 hours, after which the feet are removed and washed.

    One of the methods expressed, when the mustard plaster is glued in the region of the body in the lower part of the abdomen, and after 10 minutes it is removed. In this case, blood flow is increased, which contributes to a good erection. It's best not to abuse this method.


    This ancient product has been used to improve potency for over a century.Even the ancient Egyptians appreciated and respected this product for its properties. It does not cause side effects, the main thing is that there is no allergy to bee products. One of the most effective ways to increase potency is a mixture of honey and nuts. They are incredibly healthy and are part of the group of foods considered to be aphrodisiacs. To prepare a miracle cure, you'll need peeled and chopped walnuts and sugar-free honey in equal amounts. Take 50 g daily after eating. This dose can be divided into two doses and administered in the morning and in the evening.

    There is another remedy based on honey supplemented with wine. Increases sexual performance and improves sexual function.To prepare it, you will need:

    • Aloe Juice - 50 g;
    • Honey - 100 g;
    • Red wine - 150 ml.

    All ingredients are well mixed, you can also add parsley seeds there. Leave everything for 2 weeks in a dark, ventilated room for infusion. It is best to choose cups with a tight lid. After that, the agent is used at 35-45 g per day.This method will help not only to improve sexual function, but also to increase arousal during intercourse. Folk remedies to increase potency quickly and for a long time restore man's faith in himself.

    Honey is a useful and tasty remedy that can increase male potency.

    White wine

    A special medicine is made from this grape drink that can arouse the desire and give strength literally a few hours after being taken.Add 1 liter of orange juice and 0. 5 cups of lemon juice to 1 liter of natural white wine. Add 50 g of honey, 15 ml of liqueur, mint leaves and a little cloves and cinnamon. The drink is heated, but not boiled, after it has completely cooled, it is kept in the refrigerator for 3 days. Then they take, filter and use immediately before intimacy.


    Help to improve male strength and herbs, the main thing is to know what and how to use. Ginseng deserves special attention.Its second name is "the root of love" and for good reason. He totally justifies it. It is used not just in traditional medicine. Pharmaceutical companies use it to manufacture impotence drugs.To prepare a medicinal broth, you will need:

    • Ginseng root - 200 g;
    • Water - 4 glasses;
    • Honey - 2 tbsp;
    • Cinnamon - 2 tbsp

    Water and root are mixed and infused for two days. Then remove and place on a low heat, boil the infusion for 4 hours, adding honey and cinnamon. The medicine is taken half a glass after each meal.

    Important!If there is no opportunity or time to prepare the tincture yourself, you can always buy it at the pharmacy.

    Thyme-another gift from nature, which aims to increase potency in men with folk remedies.Our ancestors always harvested a plant to prepare medicinal broths, so perhaps they did not complain about the deterioration of their masculine strength. For this, only the green part of the plant is suitable, 100 g of raw material is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted until the liquid reaches a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Drink every day until a positive effect appears.

    To prepare a decoction according to the "French" recipe, mix 30 g of dried thyme and mint, a pinch of rosemary. Everyone is served with a glass of boiling water and insisted until it cools completely. They drink every day.

    Popular recipes for male potency usually include calamus root. It can be simply chewed without prior heat treatment, but no more than 3 times a day. Alcoholic tinctures (1: 5) are also made from it and taken throughout the month. This plant helps not only to improve potency, but also to get rid of a number of nervous diseases.

    Nettle grows almost everywhere. But few people think about its benefits and ability to improve erection. Decoctions are prepared either from a nettle or a mixture of various herbs with the addition of this plant. 30 g of dried and crushed nettle leaves are poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20-25 minutes. The filtered drink is taken one hour before meals.

    Interesting!Strong black tea is a powerful aphrodisiac. You can also add a dash of other herbs to it.

    For the second option, you will need equal parts: clover, mint, St. John's wort and nettle. The ingredients are poured into boiling water and infused for an hour. Take the infusion throughout the day for several sips.

    An express method of improving potency is the use of lovage. It activates the desire for amorous pleasures, increases excitability and helps to extend the time of intimacy.

    herbal baths

    It's not just useful for women to relax after a hard day's work in the bath. Men go through a lot of stress and physical exertion.Therefore, an herbal bath will be useful in the evening after work. You can prepare chamomile at the rate of 50 g of raw material per 3 liters of water and then simply pour the infusion into the bath. It is recommended to combine business with pleasure from 30 minutes to an hour.

    • Conifer bath is another way to increase potency in men using folk remedies. To prepare it, you must prepare in advance. You need to pour boiling water and insist for 12 hours branches or pine cones. This infusion is poured into the bath.
    • Contrasting shower or soaking. Every day for 2 weeks, you should take a shower, alternating hot and cold jets. Instead of a shower, you can use sinks with hot and cold water. In them alternately and must be downloaded.

    It's hard to say which of these methods is the most effective. Each organism has its own characteristics and susceptibility to certain components.

    garlic for potency

    Is there an effective and proven method? And how to increase potency with folk remedies? Daily use of garlic will help solve this problem. Many medications are also prepared based on this.

    Recipe 1.You need to prepare a 3 liter jar and 1 kg of garlic. Place garlic in a glass container, add water and leave for 1 month. Shake every day. The final product is consumed in 5-10 g per day. They drink until they drink the entire contents of the can. This remedy has no contraindications or side effects.

    Revenue 2.It is recommended that the infusion be consumed immediately before bedtime as it may increase blood pressure. 100 g of ginseng should be infused with 500 g of alcohol. Add honey and cinnamon and consume 2 tablespoons a day after meals.

    To improve potency in men with folk remedies was observed much faster, bad habits must be abandoned. Red wine is not only harmless, but in combination with nuts, it is also beneficial. To prepare the product, you will need 1 tbsp. me. dried apricots, raisins and prunes, 50 g of sugar, plus a little cardamom, cinnamon and cloves. All mix and pour 1, 5 glasses of wine and cook over low heat for an hour. Use the medicine before sex.

    Garlic to prepare potency-strengthening infusions


    This plant is now banned and only a few varieties are legally sold. And, in the old days, it was widely used to treat male impotence.It is said that the plant increases the attraction of partners. You need to fry the hemp seeds with salt. Used as a quick-acting remedy and consumed before intercourse. It is believed that it will be brighter, richer and longer lasting.

    "Old stew"

    Women, so that their intimate life was the best, prepared a special soup for their husbands, from which their erections intensified.The soup contains:

    • Chicken or cooked and minced meat.
    • Onion.
    • Turnip.
    • Dandelion - 4 leaves.
    • Nettle - 2 leaves.
    • Carrot.

    All ingredients are cleaned, crushed, placed in a small pot, drizzled with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. You can eat this stew regularly.


    Many have heard of the incredible benefits of mushrooms. But how to increase potency with folk remedies using them?Only winter mushrooms are suitable for cooking. With them you can prepare a decoction or infusion. Mushrooms contain a lot of minerals and vitamins, which help to improve and increase potency.

    Recipe 1.1 teaspoon of honey agaric is poured with 0. 5 cups of water and placed on fire until it boils. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day for 2 weeks.

    Revenue 2.Infusions are made with alcohol. To do this, pour 2 tbsp. me. dry mushroom raw material 0, 5 l of alcohol. They drink the medicine for 1 tsp. before eating.

    Traditional medicine to increase potency in men is seen by many as a kind of quackery. But recipes that have been used for over a century are proving their effectiveness. You should always follow all recommendations and dosages. You should also undergo an examination to rule out the likelihood of illness more serious than a simple decrease in potency.

    Simple remedies to improve potency

    There are many foods, vegetables and fruits widely available, but not all men are aware of their benefits.

    The main ones are:

  • Parsnip root. It is dried and ground and used as a common seasoning in the preparation of meat and fish dishes.
  • Hop cones. They are poured into a glass of water, boiled for 10-15 minutes, then filtered, cooled and taken daily, 100 g twice a day.
  • Turnip. This root vegetable is not as popular as it used to be, but in vain. It can be boiled or eaten raw in salads.
  • Red-haired. Many people love tea with this root, but not everyone knows that it can have a positive effect on potency. It is recommended to use it with honey.
  • Carrot. Even Freud would have approved of such a choice. The vegetable belongs to a group of products that can quickly increase potency.
  • Means designed to increase potency by methods popular for men consist of affordable products that are not harmful to health. Many of them are consumed daily by people, the main thing is knowing how to do it well and with what to combine. These recipes do not involve large financial costs and are therefore available to a wide range of consumers.

    Ginger and carrots can quickly increase a man's potency

    How to improve the action

    Unfortunately, not all folk remedies to increase potency in men work right away. The positive effect of some of them is seen within a week or two.But there is a way to increase the effect of popular recipes. You must pay special attention to your health and visit a doctor at the right time.

    Even common herbs can be harmful if used in large doses and not as intended. If after some time the effect is not seen, you should consult a doctor to rule out a serious condition.

    There are many folk recipes. Some are more effective, some less so. But everyone can choose an effective recipe for themselves. A decrease in potency is not the end of an intimate life, but a kind of respite that should be spent on health benefits. Diminished erection is not a problem for older men, but for those who are unhealthy and have psycho-emotional disorders.

    Using parsnip root as a seasoning can increase potency.